Beginning with the technology of layer painting applied by old masters, Martin Fausel has developed his very own expressive style. In a time-consuming process the artist paints one coating after the other on the canvas. Diluted colours and consciously composed differences in colour result in transparent surfaces, on which overlapping and translucent coatings unite into plastic forms and structures. Thereby Fausel reaches a completely new dimension. Forms appear as centers and accumulations set by aggregation and densification. Martin Fausel partly works up to one year on its pictures. Thereby a quiet and very deep art is evolving.
Martin Fausel was born in 1960. He studied with Prof. Dieter Krieg at the academy of arts Duesseldorf (Germany). Since 1986 he works as an artist. His paintings were exhibited in German (Stuttgart, Ludwigshafen, Friedrichshafen) snd Japan. Fausel lives and works in Wilhelmsdorf (near Ravensburg).
major exhibitions
Tokyo (Japan), National Art Centre (B) |
Year´s Exhibition of Shinseisaku art association | Homepage
Bad Saulgau (Germany), Gallery Fähre (P) | Homepage
Nakatosa (Japan), Museum of Art (E) | Homepage
Donaueschingen, Galerie im Turm |
Yokohama (Japan), Prefektorium, Kenten Year´s Exhibition (B)
Tokyo (Japan), Prefektorium, Year´s Exhibition of Kanagawa Tokyo Shinseisaku art association (B)
Tokyo (Japan), Shirota Gallery (B)
Tokyo (Japan), Formes Gallery (E)
Tokyo (Japan), Gallery G2 Ginza (B)
Tokyo (Japan), National Art Centre (B) | Homepage
On invitation of the art association SHINSEISAKU
Honored with Shinsakka Sho prize
Kyoto (Japan), Kyosera Museum (B)
Nagoya (Japan), Prefektorium Museum (B)
Odawara (Japan), Gallery New Shinkuro Dyna City (E)
Ravensburg, Gallery 21.06 | Homepage
Tokyo (Japan), Metropolitan Art Museum (B) | Homepage
On invitation of the art association SEIKO
Tokyo (Japan), National Art Centre (B) | Homepage
On invitation of the art association SHINSEISAKU
Ravensburg, Gallery 21.06 (B) | Homepage | Artikel Schwäbische Zeitung
Tokyo (Japan), Metropolitan Art Museum (B) | Homepage
On invitation of the art association SEIKO
Tokyo (Japan), National Art Centre (B) | Homepage
On invitation of the art association SHINSEISAKU
Ausstellung der 6 Preisträger des SHINSEISAKU Kunstvereins
Markdorf, Kunstverein
"Geschichtet", jurierte Ausstellung zum Stadtjubiläum
Tokyo (Japan), National Art Centre (B) | Homepage
On invitation of the art association SHINSEISAKU
Prize winner
Tokyo (Japan), Metropolitan Art Museum (B) | Homepage
On invitation of the art association SEIKO
Awarded with the Art Prize of the Foreign Minister of Japan
Florence (Italy), Galleria 360 (B) | Homepage
Lucca (Italy), Lucca Art Fair | Homepage
Represented by Galleria 360, Florence
Tokyo (Japan), Metropolitan Art Museum (B) | Homepage
On invitation of the art association SEIKO
Ravensburg (Germany), Doris Hölder Gallery (S) | Homepage Hölder Gallery
Odawara (Japan), Sudohh Art Museum (E) | Sudoh Art Museum
Tokyo (Japan), Galerie MIYUKI with Prof. Kazuyoshi Shibuya (B)
Florence (Italy), Galleria 360 (B) | Homepage
Tokyo (Japan), Metropolitan Art Museum (B) | Homepage
On invitation of the International Modern Artist Association Japan (IMA)`
Tokyo (Japan), Metropolitan Museum OOME (B)
Yokosuka (Japan), Museum Haus Kasuya with Kanji Wakae (B) | Homepage
Schloss Achberg (Germany), Art Oberschwaben 20th century (P) | more
Ravensburg (Germany), Doris Hölder Gallery (S) | Homepage Hölder Gallery
Odawara (Japan), Sudoh Art Museum | Sudoh Art Museum
Tokyo (Japan), Metropolitan Art Museum Ueno | Homepage
Florence (Italy), Villa Barberino Meleto (S) | Homepage Rendel Simonti
Würzburg (Germany), art association (S) | Homepage Kunstverein VKU
Radolfzell (Germany), Gallery Villa Bosch (P) | information on Villa Bosch
Köln (Germany), Tenri Japanisch-Deutsche Kulturwerkstatt | Homepage Tenri
Bad Saulgau (Germany), Gallery Fähre (P)
Tokyo (Japan), Gallery Muusai (S)
Odawara (Japan), Sudoh Art Museum | Sudoh Art Museum
Stuttgart (Germany), Kunstraum 34 (S)
Homepage art association Altelierhaus Filderstrasse 34 e.V.
Odawara (Japan), Sudoh Art Museum | Sudoh Art Museum
Maihama (Japan), Galerie b:stile
Yokosuka (Japan), Museum Kasuya
Ravensburg (Germany), Doris Hölder Gallery
Yonago (Japan), Museum of Little Dreams:
Robert Motherwell, Junji Amano, Martin Fausel
Yonago (Japan), Museum of Little Dreams (single exhibition)
Yokosuka (Japan), Museum Kasuya:
Otto Coester, Noriko Hori, Martin Fausel
Ludwigsburg (Germany), art association
Stuttgart (Germany), fine arts 2219 | contemporary fine arts gallery
Stuttgart (Germany), fine arts 2219 | contemporary fine arts gallery
Stuttgart (Germany), fine arts 2219 | contemporary fine arts gallery
Langenargen (Germany), Produzentengalerie Kavalierhaus
Ravensburg (Germany), Doris Hölder Gallery
Meersburg (Germany), District Gallery Lake of Constance
Wilhelmsdorf (Germany), art association
Bad Saulgau (Germany), Galerie am Markt
Bad Waldsee (Germany), Kleine Galerie
Ravensburg (Germany), Doris Hölder Gallery
Ravensburg (Germany), Doris Hölder Gallery
Friedrichshafen (Germany), art association